
Chota® Outdoor Gear insists on the finest materials and craftsmanship to assure the highest standards of quality. Whether paddling your favorite stream or working on your perfect open loop, you will feel completely in control of the elements in your Chota® gear. Every product is solidly backed with a no-nonsense warranty against defects.
We are committed to helping you make the most of your time in the outdoors with innovative and comfortable gear.
Chota Outdoor Gear founder Frank Bryant enjoys the Tennessee outdoors. Frank Bryant, founder of Chota® Outdoor Gear, has been fly fishing and paddling for over 50 years. Born in the “Lake Country” on the Indiana/Michigan line, Frank says, “My earliest memory is falling asleep in the bow of a cedar/canvas canoe while Dad fished the Hex hatch on Little Long.”
Since 1974, Chota has been designing and distributing the highest quality gear for the real-world challenges of outdoor enthusiasts. Personal experience has led to an innovative perspective, making Chota® a recognizable and respected brand among the elite of the outdoor sporting world.
When Chota designs a piece of equipment, rest assured that it’s inventive and comfortable. We take great pleasure in personally testing each and every item. From the Boundary Waters of Minnesota to our home rivers around Knoxville, we are seldom away from the water.
Frank states that “one of our greatest pleasures in life is meeting people who are enjoying Chota® products while we are field testing a preproduction piece of gear.”
All of this explains why people who share Chota’s love of the outdoors appreciate Chota® Outdoor Gear’s high quality and award winning line of products.
In 2019, Chota underwent a merger with Ranger Outdoors LLC. Ranger Outdoors LLC is committed to continuing the Chota tradition of excellent quality and superior customer service. With this merger, we now have two sister companies, Anglers Sport Group and Miss Mayfly.